The triple moon is associated with the Divine Feminine and sometimes referred to as the Triple Goddess or Triple Moon Goddess. The triple moon symbolizes the moons phases of crescent, full and new/dark or waxing, full & waning . It also symbolizes the feminine phases of life of Maiden, Mother & Crone. The symbol of the triple moon has been associated with lunar Goddesses like Selene (Greek), Cerridwen (Celtic), Diana (Roman) , Coyolxauhqui (Aztec) & Khonsu (Egyptian)
The moon itself is a female energy & rules the tides of the oceans and the element of water. It’s knowledge runs deep & is considered the “Healer” in our solar system. The moon tells us when to sleep & when to wake. When to plant & when to harvest. When to conceive & when to abstain. She’s full of mystery and wisdom and can be a constant companion on your spiritual journey.
Getting to know La Luna can be done phase by phase. Each phase has different healing aspects, knowledge and power so depending on what a person is looking for will depend on what phase you work in.
We remind ourselves when its a full moon because of the emotions & behaviours it brings out in people or the myth of when the moon was full, the great ware wolf would show himself to his prey, both scenarios show us just how powerful this star is to us in our daily lives.
When we look at the aspect of “Triple” and the spiritual meaning of three, we can look back centuries ago when the number three was considered to be the number of perfection. We can reference beginning, middle and end or past, present & future or birth, life & death or mind, body & soul . In the Wiccan religion, we can find the “Rule of Three” states that whatever energy is brought forth, be it negative or positive, it can be returned three-fold. In Numerology, the number three is seen as creativity, confidence & connection to the divine.
When we start to learn the phases we can start adapting what we do during those phases. How we do things at home or work physically & emotionally, what decisions to make & when to make them. If you’re working with herbs and incantations, including the moon in your practice is ALWAYS a good idea and should be a part of your process. Even the smallest glance at La Luna while sharing some intentions can infuse them with her power then end the communication with gratitude and thanks.
In whatever form you acknowledge the great Triple Moon or Triple Moon Goddess, just remember your intentions and the power that the symbolism can bring to those intentions. It’s the magick within that creates the magick that flows out. La Luna has always felt like my confidant and friend. A Soul Sister that I cherish in whatever phase she shows and I am grateful for her energy in every way & every day.