The meaning, mystery & magic behind Moonstone. This is a stone that I wear everyday & feel so naturally drawn too. Most likely because it’s one of my birth stones and the natural connection has been there my whole life. This is a stone of dreams, intuition and energy and comes in a few different forms. Moonstone gives a connection to the divine feminine, knowledge and the special phase of the New Moon. This is a stone that I wear, in some form, everyday and feel totally naked without. This is a stone that I definitely cherish and is one of my “Divine Nine” stones.
Moonstone is a part of the “Feldspar” mineral family and can be found in a white, pink, peach, grey and black. It is an opalescent stone that has a “flash” quality meaning, that when held at a certain angle, a flash of colour is seen. In my white Moonstone ring, I am blessed with flashes of bright, electric blue. It’s like the soul to the stone. Moonstone is found in Sri Lanka, India, Armenia, Australia, Mexico & Madagascar. It’s considered rare when found in fine quality from Sri Lanka & Madagascar but is very abundant in India and the quality is very good for the lower price.
The month of June is one of only 3 months in the Gregorian calendar year that has three birthstones and Moonstone is one of them. For Gemini’s like myself, wearing Moonstone is a great way to receive relaxing & balancing energies. Moonstone has been used for thousands of years in dress and jewellery. The Romans believed it was actually from the Moon’s rays descended upon earth as a gift and was always associated with the Moon deities, Diana in Roman cultures, Selene for the Greeks and Arianrhod for the Celts.
Moonstones qualities are directly connected to the Moon. As the Moon changes our tides, Moonstone balances our personal rhythms. This is especially true for females as Moonstone is known for balancing hormonal & fertility challenges. This is the magic of Moonstone. The connection to the Divine Feminine which can be the intuition we feel when we are connected to ourselves, is enhanced with Moonstone. The knowledge that we seek from La Luna is often amplified when we wear Moonstone. Ancient myths tell of Moonstones being brought to the shorelines from the tides. This magical stone was used in amulets and hung in trees and in fields for abundant crops. It was also used as a good luck charm to signal to the heavens above.
Moonstone acts as an aid for intuition and perception. For the one who wears Moonstone, they can feel confidence in their mental & physical states. It is said that Moonstone helps one feel connected to their intuitive gifts like psychic awareness. For others, it’s the calmness in knowing that their personal rhythms are being balanced & nurtured by this gemstone. It’s great for clearing negative energy from your personal aura and energy centres.
Moonstone corresponds to the element of Water with it’s current of femininity, movement & transformation but also embraces us in it’s warm, re-assuring waves. Moonstone resonates with the Crown Chakra enriching our abilities, bringing hope and abundance.
Stones/gem-stones can be used in many ways in your everyday life. A few ideas are:
- Carrying close to the body in a pouch (or in a bra like all the Divine ladies I know do)
- Jewellery
- Infusing liquids to ingest
- Under a pillow
- Out on display
If there is a time when you aren’t feeling yourself, grab a piece of this beautiful stone and let it heal & soothe you. It’s such a beautiful, welcoming stone that you can’t help but feel it’s soft yet very powerful energies. La Luna is always with you when your Moonstone is close. It’s like having Her with you every step of the way. xo