Ceremony & Ritual, Moon Musings

New Moon Magic; The New Moon & You

Working with the energy of the New Moon can be very rewarding. The magic of manifestation, when done with total purpose and passion at this lunar phase, can bring real results. This is New Moon magic and you.

The New Moon is the first lunar phase in the lunar cycle. Also known as the Dark Moon, this is when you can really only see a sliver of her if anything at all. It occurs when the Sun & the Moon are in alignment. The tides are higher which are are called “King Tides” & lower during this phase and are often called “Neap Tides”.

In ancient cultures, the New Moon indicated the first of the month and like most of the lunar cycles, the New Moon was used to assist farmers, explorers and doctors. This was a time to set ideas and intentions for the upcoming days and weeks. Get a plan in place & gather what was needed for the successful outcome and the cycle of the Full Moon.

The New Moon is about asking yourself what’s working & releasing what is not. What do I want more of, what do I need to do to attain my goals. This is the first step in setting an intention & this is what this whole phase is about, planting the proverbial “seed”. Working with New Moon magic will germinate the “seed” and start the growth. It’s up to you to decide what is wanted, needed and how to get there.

The New Moon is for setting intentions or “placing your order” with the Universe as described by my mentor, Dr. Athena Perrakis, aka Sage Goddess, www.sagegoddess.com. This time is also to explore new ideas & welcome new beginnings. I really encourage performing certain practices at each stage of the lunar cycle. After you work with La Luna for a few lunar cycles, your ritual will become second nature and that’s when the real magic happens.

The work that you do at each stage of the lunar cycle will become a part of your daily flow and how you practice this part of your spirituality. Some suggestions are:

  • Journaling
  • Dedicated meditation to the specific phase
  • Create a custom oil blend
  • Choose a stone/crystal to work with like Labradorite, Black Moonstone & Clear Quartz
  • Dedicate a specific candle to light & use 
  • Create a custom incense blend
  • Write a short & to the point invocation

Understanding how you can align yourself with the universe by working with the moon cycles is very powerful. Nothing needs to be done on a grand scale either. Just taking a few moments during this phase to acknowledge your goals, aspirations, wants & needs & putting thoughts together on how you are going to reach them, is ritual in itself. That acknowledgement is pure intention setting.

The New Moon is a clean slate and blank canvas awaiting your goals, dreams & desires. This phase brings you a world of possibilities & a chance to “run wild” with what you envision . A time to gather thoughts & ideas then breathing life into them to form intentions. It’s the time to release what is no longer working for you, with grace & gratitude saying goodbye & shedding what no longer serves you.

Taking that a leap of faith or continuing down the path that you chose during the phase of the New Moon can bring  much new & exciting energy. Either way, the process of igniting something special once per cycle is the end goal and giving yourself the time and opening the space to let this happen is a gift that will keep giving the entire month to come. xo