Shiatsu is a type of massage therapy. It originated in Japan & is based on traditional Chinese medicine.
Shiatsu therapy on a basic but amazing level, amplifies the body’s ability to heal itself. Shiatsu therapy is physically a massage for the organs and truly a massage for the soul. Shiatsu therapy relies on the therapists thumbs, fingers, palms & body to apply pressure to heal specific areas of the body in relation to the condition that the client is seeking treatment for.
This modality is heavily based on ancient Eastern medical theories. Shiatsu therapists use the meridians of the body, which were mapped out by Chinese practitioners centuries ago. The meridians act like highways in the body carrying energy from one area or organ to another. Each organ in our body has a specific function & if there is a blockage in that meridian for that organs energy, there’s a problem that the patient will pay for in the form of pain or illness.
A Shiatsu therapist is able to diagnose problems by looking at the patients body or area of concern, body language, indications that appear on the face & skin and of course, information from the patient. That information tells the therapist what meridians & organ(s) to work on & what type of Shiatsu plan the patient or client can expect.
The pressure that is applied during a session, promotes energy flow and balance within the body. This precise pressure “speaks” to the main organs in the body which jump starts the healing process. The Client feels deep relaxation, stress release & pain relief. Treating the areas deep within the body is treating the cause of the problem & not just the symptoms. Shiatsu can act like an organ detoxification to remove the stagnant energy block & get the energy moving again.
Shiatsu stimulates the circulatory, lymphatic & hormonal systems. It regulates the automatic nervous system, assists in joint pain, arthritis, sciatica and so many other areas that affect our quality of life. A Shiatsu treatment can be a single treatment for stretching & temporary pain relief or used as a body maintenance system for overall health. The treatment is performed on the floor or on a massage table. The client is fully clothed & no oils are used which makes it great for people on the go or that have tasks to perform after the treatment.
Reiki & Shiatsu are similar & complimentary treatments in the management of the body’s energy flow. Having a joint Shiatsu & Reiki sessions is equal to a “day at the spa” for the organs and the benefits last far longer & can be life changing. A Shiatsu sessions is a massage for the organs & the soul.
Shiatsu Therapy is becoming more popular in cities as well as rural communities. Most Insurance companies now recognize Shiatsu therapy and clients are able to process the fees thru their benefit programs. The Shiatsu therapists in your specific area will be able to advise you if their services a covered under benefit programs. xo