
Melyssa Cooper, Virtual Wellness Studio. So Glad You’re Here…

Welcome to my first every blog post as Melyssa Cooper, Virtual Wellness Studio! I have been so excited to start this path with so many of you & want to THANK everyone who has supported my vision.

My personal wellness journey started a few years ago. In a short period of time I had a beautiful child, moved to another part of the country, changed careers and became a single parent. What I needed to focus on & didn’t, was my wellness & so the path to creating Melyssa Cooper, Virtual Wellness Studio began.

My health had taken a toll with the trauma of past life situations. The stress was the huge symptom that I was continuing to ignore. I was able to overcome and move on from those past situations but my health still wasn’t a top priority. It was time for more change but finally…FOR ME! I started to look inwards & turned to my Spirituality.

The guidance I was seeking was there and the changes I made from that point on were, in fact, “Life Changing”. I started nourishing my body & not feeding the stress by acknowledging the past trauma & working on treating it. I let go of relationships that were taxing physically & emotionally. I jumped into Reiki & Shiatsu & felt my passion returning. I soared right into Holistic Healing & using the tools that I knew & loved like crystals, oils, herbs & sound and I was able to really tie everything together. I could see the light! MY light! And for that, I am forever grateful.

My wish for this blog, website, Melyssa Cooper.com Virtual Wellness Studio & for you, is to find the magic, YOUR MAGIC, that ignites the spark within. It may be a little twinkle but that’s enough to get a bonfire blazing. I wish for you to see YOUR LIGHT & how magical it can be.


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