Ceremony & Ritual, Energy Healing, Grimoire

How to Clear Energy: The When, Where, Why & How to Smudge

How to clear energy is a question I get asked A LOT! More "muggles" (people who have not practiced metaphysical activities) are understanding how the energy around them, affects them. Understanding that though we may not be able to see the energy around us, we are able to feel it and sometimes, it doesn't feel… Continue reading How to Clear Energy: The When, Where, Why & How to Smudge

Ceremony & Ritual, Moon Musings

The Significance of a Full Moon & How to Work With It’s Energy

The Significance of a Full Moon is something we hear myths about our entire lives. Old Wives tales and folklore conjure up images of werewolves with blood dripping from their fangs, howling at the giant sphere that has grown in size over the last calendar month. We hear about problems in the ER with patients… Continue reading The Significance of a Full Moon & How to Work With It’s Energy